AP - Fair Trade Fashion and Footwear


a tough but good weekend

This last Thursday Friday and Saturday were collectively very very tough but also very good. I was at a Seattle representation of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival. The weekend was obviously filled with tough images, thoughts and dialogue. The good part is both embedded in the tough part but also in what emerges from the tough stuff. There was for me, and I would think for lots of others, a good part of seeing the face of injustice and suffering in a wide array that is fairly raw and uncensored. The other part, of the good part, was a few connections that I made with folks that will be significant voices in shaping and guiding as I move forward to what might be the starting of an organization. I very well may be launching one of those NGOs that are always being talked about...YEESH

I have caved and joined the blogger world

My wife Jenni and I are diving in fully to the issues surrounding the international textile trade. If you are aware of these issues please please find this and email me what you know or who you know that we can connect with. In trying to connect with anyone who also feels they MUST respond thoughtfully to the atrocious world of international textiles I am coming up short. I am aware of TRAID in the UK, and individual companies in the States that are doing good things, but I want the equivalent of TRAID in the U.S. If it doesn't exist we WILL start it! But, if we don't have to I really don't want to.

PLEASE contact me and help start the process of making a difference. I have no need to be the lead on this, so if you or someone you know is already charging ahead on this, just put us in their path so we can charge together.